Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thoughts Two Days Later

It's been two days since I have received word that the cancer that was originally discovered in my right tibia is also in both hips and my upper left arm.

I am still determined to trust God - trust in His righteousness and goodness. Trust that He knows what is best for me and will do what is in my best interest. Even if I do not understand.

I am not in denial. I know what is happening to me. But I choose to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ instead of my circumstances. I must deal with my circumstances - and I am - but I look beyond my circumstances to find joy in my Savior. To find strength. Peace. Wisdom.

I choose not to be angry, or sad, or disappointed. There is no reason to dwell on such things.

Today, I will enjoy my time at school with my students and colleagues. I will enjoy time with my wife and children. When the time comes, I will visit new doctors, gather information, and make an informed decision about what to do next.

But I refuse to panic, whine, complain, or throw a temper tantrum. I am a child of God. Redeemed by the blood of Christ. I have no reason to fear. Cancer cannot defeat me. In Christ, I have already won the victory over sin and death. I have every reason to be filled with joy.

So I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

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