Monday, June 9, 2008

A Growth Opportunity

The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them. – Bernard M. Baruch

Cancer is a growth opportunity. No pun intended. Like any chronic disease or other ongoing trial, it provides numerous opportunities to both test and strengthen our Christian character, to test and increase the purity of our hearts and minds, to help us to continue to renew our thinking and to transform our lives into the pattern that God intended - the pattern modeled by Jesus Himself.

God blessed me with a wonderful weekend. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I had many opportunities to praise Him for His goodness and His provision. But on Sunday evening, the old sin nature in me made itself known and I started doubting God's goodness. I started to forget His provision. I started to become impatient with the progress of my recovery. Thankfully, as in the past, this wrong thinking lasted only a short while before I repented and re-focused my thinking. By God's grace and the presence of His Spirit, I was able to get back on track and accept my present position in life.

Cancer is difficult. Life is difficult, much of the time. But there is always joy in the Lord. As C.S. Lewis wrote, joy is the serious business of heaven.

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