Friday, June 13, 2008


Choices. Every day we make choices. Some large. Most small. All of our choices both reflect and help determine our character.

My choices are based on my worldview. My view of the world is the foundation that determines how I think and act in all situations. As a Christian, my worldview is based on faith in God and His truth (found in the Bible). My worldview determines how I view all of my life.

My worldview is the foundation from which I draw my values. What is important to me. As a Christian, I value what God values.

The choices I make each day are based on what I value. My choices reflect my values.

In sum, my worldview - what I believe - shapes my values. My values determine the choices I make. Or, what I value determines what I do. The choices I make determine my character.

A good example of this process is found in Hebrews 11:23-27. Moses’ faith in God was the foundation for his worldview. Because of his faith, he valued the things of God more than he valued the things of this world. His values caused him to choose to suffer with his fellow Israelites rather than choose a life of luxury in the palace. Because of his choices, Moses was found to be a man of good character, a man who could be used by God.

In his speech at graduation, my son talked about choices. He quoted Albert Camus, who said that life is the sum of all our choices. He exhorted his classmates, and we should be exhorted today as well, to choose wisely.

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