Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To Bring God Glory

I read this is a book called How People Change by Paul Tripp:

Each morning that greets me is full of hope
Not because I am successful at what I am doing,
Or because the people near me appreciate me,
Or because my circumstances are easy,
But because God is, and He is my Father.
To look at the morning any other way is to believe a lie.
To live in hope is to live in truth;
To live in truth is to bring Him glory;
To bring God glory in my daily living is the highest form of worship.

It helps me put my day in perspective. Of course, that it what God's Word does for me each day. It points me to my Heavenly Father and reminds me that my day is in His hands and is to be lived for His glory, not my own comfort or benefit. But in living for Him, being enabled to do so by His Spirit, there is unspeakable joy and satisfaction.

1 comment:

Matthew Covenant Marriage Seminars said...

Nice blog! I remember a blog about covenant marriage seminars with a similar discussion. What a coincidence.