Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Challenge for 2008

It's a brand new year. 2007 has been a year filled with hills and valleys - unexpected trials and unexpected blessings all along the way. God has taught us so much about Himself, yet we have so much more to learn.

2008 brings a promise of many more hills and valleys, many more lessons - and a greater promise that God will be with us every step of the way.

I read that a nationally known pastor challenged his congregation (this is my paraphrase of his challenge) to cast off everything that is about ourselves and seek to live solely for the Lord Jesus Christ. What would our churches be like at this time next year if we sought to live less for ourselves and sought to live more for Him? If we spent a little less on ourselves and gave a little more to our local church and to others in need? If we were a little kinder to our neighbors? If we were more courageous about sharing the gospel? What would our communities be like? What would our world be like?


irenasmom said...

I just wanted to let you know that we are praying specifically for your recovery! Because I believe that there are many more people who can learn from you! Not only in the unselfish way you are handling this HUGE THING, But the way you you seem to live your daily life. You just can't fake a meaningful relationship with GOD, especially when you have kids. They don't pretend THAT well. I just was so touched by your Courage that I had to let you know.
If there is a need that I can help with Please do not hesitate to ask.

Brenda and Irena Enslin

MichaelDietrich said...

Mr. Bond, I just wanted to say that we all miss you and wish you were back watching us in Study Hall. We are constantly praying for you, and I know that God is watching over you. By the way, if you have time, you could visit my website: http://www.PlasmaArts.co.nr/ - Not to advertise or anything, of course.

~Michael Dietrich