Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Some Advice and A Reality Check

Almost every day I hear about another person afflicted with cancer. Immediately, I pray for the person and his or her family. And every time, I ask myself what advice I can offer this person.

If I could pass along three pieces of advice to a person recently diagnosed with cancer, these would be the pieces:

First, understand that you will receive a lot of advice. Well-intentioned friends, family members and co-workers will share with you an experience with a particular doctor, a treatment, a nutritional supplement, etc. Remember, most people that offer you have good intentions and are only trying to help. Be discerning. You may receive some good advice, but be careful. Do your own research. In the end, you and your doctor(s) will have to make the important decisions about how your cancer will be treated.

Second, remember that you are not the only person affected by this cancer. It affects your spouse, your children, your parents, the rest of your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, and others of whom you may not be aware. [I am not sure, but I think that cancer hits a nerve with us because, more than any other disease today, it reminds us of our own vulnerability.] Resist the temptation to get all self-focused and take on a woe-is-me attitude. Yes, you have cancer, but you are not the only one hurting. Think beyond yourself. Think about how you can comfort the people around you that are hurting as well. Take time to talk to your family and friends. Share this experience with them. The prayers, support, and encouragement of others is an important factor in your recovery from this affliction.

Third, take some time to honestly evaluate your relationship with God. This is not a time to fool around with eternal matters. Are you trusting Him during this trial of life? Who is Jesus to you? Are you trusting in Him as your Lord and Savior? If this cancer takes your life, will you spend eternity with God or apart from God? Do you know for sure? If you have questions, please e-mail me or talk to a Christian friend or pastor. These questions cannot wait.

This morning, I began a devotional study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12). Over the next few weeks, I will try to include some brief thoughts from my study.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3).

God’s standard is perfection. Moral perfection. By myself, on my own, it is an unattainable goal. One of the biggest mistakes I can make in life is thinking that I have something to offer to God. I need to see myself as I really am. In myself, I have nothing worthy to offer to God. Just filthy rags. I must begin with a new attitude. Poor in spirit. A humble spirit. My only hope is in Christ, and His perfect righteousness. I am a desperate sinner in need of a Savior.

1 comment:

Marion said...

Tired of trial and error romance? Need help in sealing your vows of love into an everlasting relationship? I recommend that you guys enter into a covenant marriage and attend Covenant Marriage Seminars to seal your love for eternity. I am sure that you will not regret taking these steps.